Monday, November 19, 2012

multitudes on monday ~ november nineteenth

this is my list of gifts
not that i want,
those i already have,
given by the giver of all
400  a daddy's voices as he talks with a boy missed

401 birthday dinners prepared with love

402 long days in the studio to play

403 "aw" pics

404 da baby taking steps

405 seeing da baby take steps and da mama in tears

406 learning two of my fav artists will be an hour away in april

407 a la comita

408 phase four of a school funded

409 clergy shirts that are heavenly

410 connecting over lunch with one who speaks the same language

411 speaking the truth even when my voice shakes

412 driving to the wrong city

413 hearing my sister's voice 

414 birthday blessings

415 kind words affirming a big risk

416 prayer answered in a way that is obvious and immediate

417 talking sharks with a sweet boy

418 the smell of a wood fire

419 knowing God has this

1 comment:

  1. Cute video! My Spanish is so lame that I only understood "manana" (tomorrow)!
