Monday, June 11, 2012

more gifts

820 Sunday afternoon naps

821 tears knowing God is there

822 hearing one who holds truth in her hand and speaks it with authority

823 God's words flowing from your fingers and into your heart

824 mama robin's reminder it is her nest and not yours

825 seeing daddy robin arrive at the nest to share in the dance of new life

826 sounds of the night bird to calm your heart

827 singing with 1000 other women in sweet sounds rising to heaven (Image of God)

828 bear hugs after a day away

827 the smile when you give a piece of  your heart and prayers to one who understands the heart of your work

828 a  day with colleagues where talk gets real and masks are put down

829 a steal of a deal on new pastels

830 a sweet sip of rootbeer on a hot & humid day

831 knowing a loved one has your back

832 knowing you don't have to battle

833  a puppy laying on your feet

834 catching that amazing picture at just the right moment

835 seeing something new each morning when you peek in the nest

836 the color  yellow that makes your heart sing

837 forgotten ice cream on a night of reading

838 staying awake until 2am reading because the book is so gripping

839 taking the mask off and having others recognize you

840 finding women on the journey

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