Monday, July 9, 2012

monday's (july 9th) mulititudes

it is monday again
a day for remembering
the gifts i have
when i choose to see
gifts from the gift giver
given to me
and always free

740 Safari band-aids

741 tummy sleeping for the first time in months

742 ice cold wraps after hard work

743 holding my arms up as i lift my heart to the Lord

744 being back with the family God has placed me in

745 seeing the baby birdy who made it through the heat

746 summer flowers

747 perfect peach cobbler made by a sister

748 fireworks that make me ooh and aah like a child as they dance in the night sky

749 watching a bear caught up in creating

750 hearing the joy in my baby's voice

751 a brother of the collar visiting on a Sunday

752 kind words from a stranger

753 summer rain as i wake from a dream

754 a hand made present from another's granddaughter

755 kneeling in the presence of my father

756 being on the other side of a very hard thing

757 giggling with my sister on the phone

758 words from a brother that share a truth i keep needing ~

 Wherever we bury Jesus, he comes back to life. We can bury him in the Bible or in stained glass windows, in creeds and formulas and the heritage of our own tradition, in movies and plays and music, in our past. We can even bury him in bread and wine. And each time from each place he rises from the dead. He sheds the words and images and walks right on out into the world.
–Br. Curtis Almquist, SSJE

Remember to visit Ann & friends to see their Multitudes on Mondays.


  1. A lovely long list and photos of God's gracious floral gifts too.

  2. Oh I love all of these! Especially the safari band-aids (fun!) and tummy sleeping...haven't been able to do that since last May and that is primarily how I used to sleep. Soon, soon... <3

    1. Oh and #749? I want to know the story behind that... :)

    2. ha ha. That is my hubby's nickname. He was working on a project.
