Monday, October 22, 2012

multitudes on monday ~october twenty second

this is my list of gifts...
not that i want,
those i already have
given by the giver of all.

460  sharing art with one who inspired it

461  leaves dancing in the wind

462  times with a mentor who admits to making mistakes too

463  chasing God sized dreams

464  prayers answered that take my breath away

465  seeing colors in the audience that let me know i am in good company

466  trip tips

467  studying the first book ever studied again with a new community

468  lessons learned watching children play a game

469  being on the receiving end of grace

470  game six wins to allow a game seven

471  timeless words found in unexpected places

472  recognizing forgiveness isn't about "them" but getting my heart right with God

473  pondering life while in the pool

474  pumpkin pinatas taking each little hand to conquer

475  hearing heart wrenching sobs from a little one when i want to cry and can't

476  hard prayer words

477  chorizo and egg burritos (now that is comfort food)

478  cotton fields

479  butterflies dancing around the porch

1 comment:

  1. So many beautiful gifts, Julie! Timeless words found in unexpected places... that is awesome! The pumpkin pinatas look too fun! :)
